Monday, November 16, 2009

Cross Country Skiing

This weekend Aleisha and I tried out one of the iconic Canadian winter sports, cross country skiing. Despite our complete lack of experience our friends decided to take us on a rather advanced trail. While there were a few moments of sheer terror and a few long strings of expletives we survived relatively unscathed, in fact we really enjoyed the day.

Winter wonderland.

Aleisha getting her glide on.

One of the truly amazing aspects of the whole sport is that its free. Some poor sucker drives around in a groomer all night, smoothing out the trail and setting the tracks and we don't have to pay a cent. God bless living in a socialist country!


Jarrod said...

Damn that looks good. I spent the weekend getting horribly sunburnt.

Aleisha and Simon Iremonger said...

There is a wonderful thing called an ozone layer up here. You can stay out all day and not end up looking like a lobster.